Configuring CAN IDs
Last updated
Last updated
Launch the Tool:
Run Vertos Config.exe
Main Interface:
The tool's interface has fields for entering the host IP, port, operation selection, and CAN ID (if applicable).
Configure Host and Port
Connection: Connect to the roboRIO via USB.
Host/IP Address: Enter the IP address of the roboRIO (Default: for USB).
Port: Enter the port number (Default: 58005).
Select Operation Use the dropdown menu to choose an operation:
Set ID: Assigns a CAN ID to all connected devices without IDs. CAN IDs must be between 1 and 31. (Setting IDs by serial number is not supported.)
Factory Reset ALL: Resets ALL connected encoders to factory settings.
Show Devices: Displays all connected encoders on the CAN bus.
CAN ID Field
Enabled only for the Set ID operation.
Enter your desired CAN ID (values between 1 and 31).
For Factory Reset ALL, the field is disabled, and a default value (0) is sent.
Send the Request Click Send to send the selected operation to the roboRIO.
Set a CAN ID:
Configure the host as and port as 58005.
Use Show Devices to list connected encoders and verify they are detected.
Perform a Factory Reset ALL to reset all encoders.
Disconnect the CAN bus from all encoders except the one you wish to configure.
Select Set ID from the dropdown.
Enter the desired CAN ID (e.g., 5, 20, or 31) and click Send.
Reconnect the next encoder and repeat the process to assign a unique ID.